Our Fleet Management Software is a Hybrid Application featuring routing optimization to reduce the time lost in a delivery which is manually planned. It helps the users to cut down the losses incurred due to delay in signature and billing by establishing a robust proof of delivery.
J&G Deliveries is a global leader in the delivery and distribution Industry. The company is committed to enhancing flexibility and efficiency within the system with the implementation of Fleet Management software; a responsive platform where customers can easily track multilevel transport and delivery status with a single click in real time. The software effectively addresses the transport complexities that came with the manual way of handling the delivery process.
J&G Deliveries is a delivery and logistics company based in the United States. Our Fleet Management software provides users with a seamless flow of goods and information solution to both distribution and delivery process optimization which in turn results into higher customer satisfaction and retention.
This Software helps in achieving the faster return of signatures as proof of delivery with enhanced billing process thus improving the overall productivity to win customer delight. It brings in a lot of clarity in the activities starting from the planning till live tracking of the distribution process giving companies total control over their businesses.
J & G Deliveries faced diverse challenges that had to be overcome in order to realize high level of customer satisfaction. The primary goal of such companies is to achieve high degree of customer satisfaction by overcoming delays in signatures reporting and billing process. The root cause is manual delivery which hits customer experience badly as the turnaround time is high due to bottlenecks introduced due to manual planning. The company in the process realized loss as a result of a mix up with proof of the delivery process. The backlog with collection also strained business growth and hindered customer satisfaction.
It also became a challenge responding to the market demands and solutions had to be formulated that addressed issues to do with an on-board diagnostic system that sends diagnostics data, geo-location, mileage and other relevant information to the company. A solution also had to be arrived at that effectively met the market expectations.
We developed a custom-built Fleet management software that could be integrated with the delivery trucks from the time the product is ready on the shop floor. The software can be installed by the users and after real time processing; users are able to view all the delivery and distribution information through their devices.
- Software tracks the path / lifecycle of the product from the time it leave the shop floor to the time delivery is completed.
- End to end tracking of the order and real time alerts.
- Real-time geo-coordinates of the delivery truck.
- Help the Delivery manager to make on time decision like re-routing monitoring the truck, speeding tickets etc. with path tracking and alert options.
- All delivery data will be stored in the company database management system for relevant departments to retrieve data or for audit purposes.
- The software is intuitive and user friendly customized based on the organizational needs.
- Customer delivery signature option with complete geocoordinates and a time stamp feature.
- Customer delivery receipt is delivery to the accounting department same time and a copy is restored in the database
AOF took on the challenge no other vendor was willing to. This is because VendorX had quit without handing Brand1 any source code or documentation.
- Our project team with ERP software specialists looked had to reverse engineer the user interfaces to develop necessary code to continue supporting the ERP and Brand1’s operations.
- We delivered best-in-class support with the highest productivity ever recorded by Brand1 through efficient methodologies added into the system.
Mickey software is your ideal fleet management software solution and it has created a successful collaboration between the company and customers. Users have realized improved uptime on delivery and distribution to customer destinations. The software has drastically reduced fleets downtime with overall safety improvement.
- Realtime and Complete tracking of Product shipment.
- Monitoring of over speeding by notifications to avoid speeding tickets and company reputation.
- Faster deliveries with total control over proof of deliveries.
- Zero loss of invoices with online database storage.
- No backlogs on receivables.
- Reduced billing cycle and enhanced revenue.