Eryms Electronic Filing System is a filing software used in the Sales Industry to file, sync and store documents. The software has built-in scanning capabilities and multiple ways that can be used to organize documents. The accumulation of documents and manual filing is a major cause of inefficiency as a lot of time gets dedicated to creating, processing, storing and tracking the documents. With limited filing space available in many settings and lots of time spent on locating and retrieving documents; Eryms Electronic Filing System provides the much needed solution.
Eryms provides innovative and cost effective ways of managing and storing documents in a way that makes access to them easier. Eryms follows an intuitive approach to electronic filing with a friendly user interface that makes retrieval of the documents easier. The unique electronic filing system places all of the sales and purchase documents into an easy to search vault where files can be accessed with ease. The metadata-based approach decreases the file processing time as documents are easily made available. There is a secure collaboration for modifying and reviewing documents and also tracking document versions.
Manual storage of documents comes with diverse challenges. Both the sales and purchase documents gets mixed up in the manual library which makes search and retrieval of the documents to take a lot of time. If any historical file or document is required, one would have to check with all the departments and that would still lead to missing documentation. Sharing of files becomes quite difficult as documents would get displaced in the process of sharing. Manual filing of documents also consumed a lot of storage space.
Managing documentation is not only time consuming but also demands physical effort. Even if the filing is correctly done, it still takes time to pull out and flip through several folders as you look out for the right documents. Repeating the process of filing, retrieving and re-filing can be tiresome and time consuming if it has to be repeated every day. The creation of Eryms Electronic Filing System enables users to scan all of the paper documents for electronic storage. The paper documents can then be discarded unless those required in paper by law.
Digitizing of the documents makes the management of the documents to be far much easier and convenient. The unique metadata-based filing approach enables a reliable retrieval process. Eryms electronic filing system eliminates mis-filing and loss of documents which is common with manual filing. Sales and purchase documents also get filed appropriately without any mix up. It renders use of the manual filing cabinets redundant and those can be sold and the cash used in the business.
AOF took on the challenge no other vendor was willing to. This is because VendorX had quit without handing Brand1 any source code or documentation.
- Our project team with ERP software specialists looked had to reverse engineer the user interfaces to develop necessary code to continue supporting the ERP and Brand1’s operations.
- We delivered best-in-class support with the highest productivity ever recorded by Brand1 through efficient methodologies added into the system.
Many users have reported tremendous success with use of Eryms electronic filing system with the feedback as follows;
- Enhanced productivity within the organization as less time is spent in retrieving files.
- Better organization of documents and enhanced file sharing.
- Improved efficiency and customer service.
- Faster location of files
- There is also easy online backup of the documents.